The Christian’s Duty to Hope
According to the Apostle Peter, Christians are a privileged people. In just three verses (1 Peter 1:10-12) he showed that they obtain an ancient salvation. All the prophecies of the Old Testament were written for their benefit. In particular,…

A Visit to Wittenberg
Happy Reformation Day! Today, 499 years ago, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. This action touched off a spiral of events that led to the Protestant Reformation – a movement that placed…

Departing the Camp
Modern Jerusalem looks nothing like the City of David in the time of Jesus. Today it is a bustling metropolis, complete with high-rise apartment buildings, sprawling suburbs, and densely-packed roadways. Yet Zion was once contained within walls. Outside the walls,…

Journaling and Commonplacing
You might think of journaling as a hobby for your nonexistent free time, and most likely, you’ve never even heard of commonplacing. For myself, these two activities are not just a hobby, but vital tools for my life. In fact,…

Parables, Paradigms, and Profiles in Evangelism
Is the gospel nothing more than a legal transaction in heaven, the details of a courtroom case played out before the Almighty, to be proclaimed in all the world? There is no doubt that this is the Gospel, and there…

The Approach to the Celestial City
My favorite part of the book ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ is the last chapter. Christian and Hopeful both crossed a wide river, symbolizing death. John Bunyan’s description of their approach to the Celestial City always sends tingles down my spine, since his…

The Abuse of Knowledge
You and I are gifted beyond comprehension to live in an age when so much information is available. Have you ever stopped to realize this? Never before has a generation had such a vast opportunity to learn, and I wonder…

A Summary of Elijah’s Life
The Great Famine Wearing a garment of hair and a leather belt, from the town of Tishbe in Gilead, a dramatic figure confronted Ahab the king of Israel. “As the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, before whom I stand,”…

Electronics and Social Media: Power Tools for Good or Bad
I knew it wouldn’t be good when my friend said he wanted to play with the chainsaw. Starting it up with a roar, he smiled as the tool vibrated in his hands. He started out carefully, cutting through some loose…