The Coming 'Brave New World'

The Coming ‘Brave New World’

I’ve recently wanted to write something about the significance of the book ‘Brave New World,’ one of the most prophetic books of the twentieth century. However, when I read this short essay from Yuval Noah Harari in ‘Tribe of Mentors’…

How Regions Grow Rich

How Regions Grow Rich

A discussion of geo-economics may not seem like a common topic for this blog, but I think it has important implications for those who minister in underdeveloped regions of the world. I’m deriving my thoughts on this from the time…

The Abuse of Knowledge

The Abuse of Knowledge

In previous ages, there was great benefit to knowing and accessing information. Today, that has changed; the benefit exists for those who know how to use information. It is no longer difficult, for example, to have access to textbooks and…

Rooted: Developing True Community

Rooted: Developing True Community

You may have physical resources, health, a great job, and lot’s of other things going well for you, but community is an intangible form of wealth that many of us lack. American society is notoriously disconnected from those around us,…

Reflections on Populism and Nationalism

Reflections on Populism and Nationalism

I recently read Return of the Strong Gods: Nationalism, Populism, and the Future of the West by R. R. Reno (2019). It gave me quite a lot to consider. What follows are some reflections – not a book review, nor…

Lessons from Lockdown

Lessons from Lockdown

Remember when we were in lockdown, and how different life was? Time slowed down. Meetings and obligations disappeared into thin air. We regained a sense of control over our lives. There was time to spend with family, time to go…