Lessons from Lockdown

Lessons from Lockdown

Remember when we were in lockdown, and how different life was? Time slowed down. Meetings and obligations disappeared into thin air. We regained a sense of control over our lives. There was time to spend with family, time to go outdoors, and time to relax.

Despite our initial fears, we found out that lockdown was actually not so bad. Many of us vowed to continue the habits that we developed, even after lockdown ended. We gained a unique glimpse into what life could be like, and we found that the rat-race mentality isn’t as appealing as it seems.

Our problem is that we’ve forgotten the lessons from lockdown. We adapt to our circumstances, and generally in a bad way – we overplan our days, overestimate our own ability to accomplish, and generally focus on the urgent, rather than the important. View this article as an alarm-bell, telling you to reprioritize.

What did you gain from lockdown? What lessons did you want to remember? How much have you just adapted back to the frantic pace of daily life? Are you living in intentional mode, or are you living in reaction mode?

Don’t just read this and think, ‘I hope to do better.’ Make a point to schedule some downtime into your schedule – to go on a walk, to play a board game with friends, to spend an unplanned evening with family, to go on a picnic or a drive. Be ruthless with yourself, and find some unnecessary activities to cut out of your schedule.

Don’t get so busy that you forget the hard-earned lessons learned from lockdown.

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