Paul at Athens
Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him when he saw that the city was given over to idols. Therefore, he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and with the Gentile worshipers, and in the…

Brackets in the Bible: Discerning Scholarship or Spiritual Surrender?
72% of Americans do not believe that the Bible is the literal word of God, or should be treated as such. Even 22% of so-called Evangelicals would disagree that the Bible is 100% accurate. Even as textual criticism grows and fabulous…

God’s Holy Temple
Ephesus in the first century was the sprawling capital of the province of Asia. Situated in fertile lands with a mild climate, over 250,000 inhabitants populated the region. The city was the second largest in the Roman Empire, filled with…

Infographic: Reading in America
In light of the decline in America’s reading culture, Christians need to reconsider their approach to evangelism. This infographic presents the shocking reality.

Evangelism, Writing, and Illiteracy: Five Responses
This is the second half of a series on evangelism, reading, and writing. In light of the astonishing decline of America’s reading culture, today I am considering five responses for Christians. During the Vietnam War, America dropped 7 million tons…

Evangelism, Writing, and Illiteracy: Four Reasons Americans Don’t Read
This is the first of a two-part series on evangelism, reading, and writing. In this article I examine the American reading culture. In the next article I will talk about how that should affect our evangelism and writing. Donald Trump…

Book Review: Religion in America Since 1945: A History
Religion in America since 1945: A History, by Patrick Allitt, copyright 2005. ISBN 978-0231121552, 384 pages, four stars. Several years ago, as I tried to understand America’s religious history, I stumbled across Religion in America since 1945: A History by…

Secularization and Sacralization
The Christian world-view is trapped in a massive tug-of-war. On the one hand, secularization undermines the very foundations of right thinking. Sacralization, on the other hand, is at the heart of restoring Biblical perspective. Secularization What is ‘secularization?’ In simple…

A Summary of Moses’ Life
Early Life in Egypt Born into a humble Levitical slave family in Egypt, Moses’ life was immediately threatened when Pharaoh ordered all Hebrew male infants drowned in the Nile. Though his mother Jochebed hid him for three months, she was…

The Psalms in History
“It is to be feared that the Psalms are by no means so prized as in earlier ages of the Church. Time was when the Psalms were not only rehearsed in all the churches from day to day, but they…