Peru Trip Summary
I’ve been back for about two weeks now, and I’m excited to share with you about my latest trip: a journey to Peru. Not only did I have a great time with my sister and the Holloways (the missionary family that we visited), but I also learned more about the needs of the third world and what missions looks like.

A quick picture of me and my sister just after landing.
Peru is a land of deep contrasts: Andean mountains and Amazonian jungle. We visited Cusco (the ancient capital of the Inca Empire) and a village near Tarapoto, on the ‘eyebrow’ of the Amazon jungle.

An ancient Inca wall

The Amazon jungle
During our visit, we stayed with the Holloways. This missionary family concentrates on teaching native pastors in Peru. While I was vaguely aware of this need, I learned much more about the importance of this work. In Matthew 28, Jesus provides Christians with the ‘Great Commission.’ Notice how Jesus words this mandate:
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20).
While many Christians place a great emphasis on going, it is important to remember that missions also involves teaching. The goal of missions is not simply to see professions of faith – it is to see mature, obedient Christians who are observing all that Jesus commanded.
Peru – and much of the third world – has an epidemic of biblical illiteracy. While America has this problem as well, it is much more acute in the third world. Even pastors have limited understanding of theology and few resources to learn from. My visit to Peru clarified the significance of this problem. In a land of Biblical illiteracy, it is easy to understand how false teaching can easily gain momentum.

The Roman Catholic Church exercises powerful influence in Peruvian culture

The New Apostolic Church thrives in a land of Biblical illiteracy because of its unbalanced teachings
Of course, in addition to learning about missions and the need for pastoral teaching, we had opportunities to do a few fun things as well, and see some incredible sights.

A boat ride on a tributary of the Amazon

A view from a jungle town

Feeding some llamas!
To learn more about the Holloway family and their ministry in Peru, you can click here to go to their personal blog, or click here to learn more about Reaching and Teaching, the agency they are partnered with!