The Most Popular Posts of 2018
As the year ends, it’s time to take a look back over the past. Today I’m highlighting a few of the top posts from the past year.

18 Books from 2018
What timber is for a sawmill, books are for your mind – raw material to inform your best ideas. Maybe some of these books will catch your interest as you compile a reading list for 2019.

Did You Take The Survey?
On Monday, I asked you to take a short survey. I know, life gets busy. I feel that every day. Still, it won’t take long, and I’d appreciate if you could share your opinions with me.

Please Help Me!
If you have benefited from this website, could you do me a favor? Take just a moment to answer a ten-question survey. It won’t take long, and it will help me serve you better.

Revolutionize Your Resolutions in 3 Steps
You are doing resolutions the wrong way. The same way I did for years. It isn’t working, but there is another way to make – and keep – your resolutions.

Christmas Shoppers Beware!
It might seem harmless enough – isn’t it selfless to give gifts to others? But holiday gift giving might be more dangerous than you realize!

What Do You Even Believe???
A disciple is committed to a life of learning from the Master. Why are there so many ‘disciples,’ but so few who have learned from the Master?

Timothy Talks: Tragedy and Triumph (Part Two)
As we survey the church in the first centuries, the triumph of early Christianity stands out. Today we talk about the triumphs of the first centuries – hope in the midst of a godless world.

The Attitude Necessary for Gratitude
Thankfulness is more than an action. It stems from an attitude, an entire way of viewing yourself and the world.

Remembering the Great War
It was called the Great War – the World War – the War to End All Wars. Certainly it did not succeed in ending all wars, but it was the end of an age, and the beginning of an age.