Three Types of Great Questions
Last year I finished up a degree that included an emphasis on Nursing Education. Since I am a nurse by profession, I studied how to structure a course on nursing. I learned how to design a curriculum and compile a…

Gospel Discipleship
And Jesus said to them, “Follow me… (Mark 1:17a) When Jesus called his first followers, they didn’t know much about him. At least in Mark’s presentation, Jesus just entered his ministry, and he isn’t yet a well-known figure. So far,…

We Need a Bigger View of God
What do you need if you want to advance in your Christian life? Some people would suggest a theological book, a good church, more time in the Bible, or listening to more sermons and Christian music. Any or all of those…

Gift Card Giveaway
It’s time for a giveaway! This is your chance to win a great gift card! If you are a book fanatic, a coffee connoisseur, or a fan of great chicken, this giveaway is for you. The winner will receive a $25 gift…

How I’m Reading the Bible in 2018
Every year I’m forced into the dilemma of choosing whether to read through the entire Bible or read just a section. It’s a difficult choice, because neither option seems ideal. If I read through the entire Bible, I often feel…