Win a Free Swordgrip!
Do you have a plan to memorize God’s Word? The Psalmist ‘stored up’ God’s Word in his heart, so that he would not sin against his Maker. Despite the benefits of Bible memory, it can often be challenging to know how to begin. Recently I was introduced to a new tool that can help simplify the process of Bible memory: Swordgrip.
Swordgrip is a simple, easy-to-use resource that eases you into Bible memory. It provides a 28-week schedule to memorize up to three key Bible verses from each New Testament book. Swordgrip provides verse cards, a sticker chart to mark progress, and ‘Grip-It-Tighter’ questions that help users locate the verses in their Biblical context. Users can choose one of three levels: green (1 verse/week), blue (2 verses/week), or orange (3 verses/week).
I had the opportunity to review a copy of Swordgrip, and I was immediately impressed. It is colorful, inviting, and well-designed. The spiral-bound booklet is compact and contains verse cards that you can remove to help with memory study. The verses are clearly laid out, so that you know exactly what to memorize each week. I appreciate that there is a clear goal – memorizing the key verses from each book of the New Testament, as well as the list of New Testament books, results in a sense of accomplishment at the end of the course. Plus, the sticker chart is a fun way to keep track of your progress!
Swordgrip is a great method, but it is designed for beginning memorizers. The ‘Grip-It-Tighter’ questions for each week are elementary, ideal for children or those who are less familiar with the Bible. More seasoned memorizers may be less challenged by this method, but it is a great introduction to Bible memory for beginners.
If you’re interested in Swordgrip, you can find it at Scripture Memory Fellowship’s website here. You might consider getting an extra copy for a friend, so that you have built-in accountability. But wait! I’ve got a free copy that I am going to give to one of my subscribers! So, if you are already a subscriber, you already have an entry for this drawing, and if you subscribe now, I’ll give you two entries in this drawing! This drawing will be held on August 8, and I’ll contact the winner afterward. Let the memory begin!
Just to let you know, I was given a free copy of Swordgrip in exchange for reviewing the product. But in case you wondered, I would still consider it a great method even if I hadn’t received one!
Just subscribed! Hope I win! It sounds wonderful!