The Most Popular Posts of 2019
I enjoy reminiscing at the end of the year – so join me in perusing some of the most popular posts at From Daniel’s Desk!

19 Books from 2019
Every year I do it for you, my dear readers: I head deep into the dangerous world of the library to snatch out the choicest books and introduce you to profound, entertaining, and educational reads. For the last several years I’ve summarized my best reads of the year. This year I’m happy to present to you 19 books from 2019.

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Three Reasons Why Faithfulness Is Crucial for Christians
We love to talk about faith or love, but what about faithfulness? Jesus seemed to talk a lot about it. He even described the benediction by which we will enter heaven as, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

The Biblical Doctrine of Hell: A Response to Annihilationism
Today, I’m concerned about a rising trend among professed followers of Christ: belief in annihilationism. This is the idea that humans will ‘burn up’ in hell, at which point they cease to exist. But what does the Bible teach?

Timothy Talks: Why So Many Genealogies?
The Bible is filled with genealogies, but what do these long lists do for us today? Is there a reason for them?

The Expulsive Power of a New Affection
The following is a summarized, paraphrased version of a sermon by Thomas Chalmers. The content is too good to miss, but the language is archaic and difficult to follow. This new version makes the sermon accessible for modern English readers.

Timothy Talks: Why Did Noah End So Poorly?
Noah seems like a model human throughout the account of the flood, but the final incident in his story paints a different picture. Why did Noah end so poorly, and what does this sordid account provide for the book of Genesis?

A Summary of Elisha’s Life
Elisha was one of the most famous prophets of the Hebrew Bible. His ministry spanned decades and kingdoms, and few performed more miracles than this wonder-worker: a man who exemplified the power of Yahweh. This is his story.

Timothy Talks: Why Leviticus?
The book of Leviticus in the Old Testament raises many questions. Why does God’s law contain so many rules about nonspiritual things? Why did the Jews have to avoid certain types of food and certain days? Why is God so interested in ritual purity? Is there any takeaway for today?