Mary or Martha? Questions for Personal Analysis
When Jesus entered her home, Mary viewed it as a golden opportunity to learn. She was a disciple – one who sits at the feet of the Teacher.
Martha welcomed the Teacher and busied herself in His service. She was so busy, in fact, that she was ‘distracted.’
When Martha rebuked Mary for not helping her serve, Jesus gently corrected her. “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”
Devotion – sitting at the feet of Jesus, strengthening our relationship with Him – is not a gift for some disciples. It is a basic essential for all disciples. Everyone is called to it.
Martha knew that there was a lot to do. As far as she could tell, she was the only one doing it! Losing sight of the sovereignty of God, Martha felt responsible for everything that needed to be done.
Which woman do you resemble?
(1) Are you so busy serving the Lord that you don’t have time to sit at His feet?
(2) Do you feel rushed to get through your personal devotions (Bible reading and prayer) so that you can ‘do something’ for God?
(3) Are you willing to shorten your acts of service so that you have enough time to cultivate your relationship with God?
(4) Does your view of God as “Master to be served” overshadow your view of God as “Father to be loved,” or “Teacher to be studied”?
(5) Do you become discouraged and anxious when you see how much work there is to do in God’s service?
(6) Do you feel like the world rests on your shoulders, or can you readily leave the world to sit at Jesus’ feet?