Do You Think of People the Way Jesus Did?
Cool or weird, pretty or plain, successful or a failure – it’s easy to categorize the people of the world in boxes of our own making. Jesus himself had a unique way of thinking about people.
“When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things.” (Mark 6:34)
“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36)
While Jesus ministered among the Hebrew – a unique people who were God’s ‘sheep’ – there is no doubt that there is application for us today. Consider these implications of Jesus’ perspective:
Jesus sees people as harassed and helpless sheep
Sheep are not notable for their wisdom or self-reliance. They are defenseless and vulnerable, prone to falling off cliffs, wandering from safety, and becoming snack food for wolves. Worse, sheep can be abused by profiteers. This is how Jesus sees people.
Jesus sees people as ‘without a shepherd’
While God does give shepherds to His sheep, many sheep are without one. They are forced to fend for themselves in a dangerous world. Without a shepherd, sheep are fodder for their predators.
Jesus sees people with compassion
Because He saw people as helpless sheep, Jesus didn’t respond with anger, frustration, or rejection of humanity. He was filled with compassion: tender care and concern. Evil and depravity weren’t put-offs, but evidences of the deep trouble of humanity.
Jesus sees teaching God’s Word as the solution
Jesus responds to the sorry condition of humanity by teaching them God’s Word. What helpless sheep need is nourishment, guidance, and protection. Even more, they need a relationship with the ultimate shepherd. All of this is found in God’s Word, and it is transmitted through teaching.
Following Jesus’ Example
So, how do we learn to think like Jesus?
First, recognize yourself. You are also a sheep. You aren’t in Jesus position. You need Jesus’ teaching and guidance as much as anyone.
Second, don’t be surprised when sheep act like sheep. Rather than responding in anger, frustration, or rejection, respond with understanding.
Third, be nice to the sheep. Respond with compassion. This is something that you’ll need to cultivate and ask God for.
Finally, learn to scatter some sheep-food. Learn God’s Word yourself, and look for opportunities to bless others with it. This doesn’t require you to be a formal ‘teacher’ – you can share God’s Words in many settings, whether you text a verse to a friend or share a gospel tract with a stranger.