The Most Popular Posts of 2019
One of my favorite things to do at the end of the year is to reminisce. What was 2019 famous for? What happened in my own life that I want to remember? How has God been working? As a blogger, part of my reminiscing involves thinking about the best content that was published on From Daniel’s Desk. So today, I invite you to join me in perusing some of the most popular posts of 2019 – my personal favorites, and some that were heavily accessed this year!
Biblical Studies
The Meaning of Baptism – Every Christian is called to partake in the ordinance of baptism, but what exactly does baptism symbolize? As I studied this question in the Bible, I found that it is an incredibly diverse symbol, bringing together many strands of theology. As you read this post, I encourage you to consider your own baptism and its significance in your Christian life.
Spiritual Therapy that You Desperately Need – I studied the doctrine of the church intensively this year, and this article is the fruit of that study. It explains why a healthy local church is just the sort of spiritual therapy that every local Christian is desperately needs.
The Biblical Doctrine of Hell: A Response to Annihilationism – The doctrine of hell is under assault, not only in society, but also in churches. It is important to be clear about what exactly the Bible says on this essential subject. This post is my attempt to respond to annihilationism – the idea that hell ‘consumes’ its inmates, after which they are gone forever.
Evangelism and Missions
Pneuma: What Does It Mean to be a Spiritual Person? We live in the age of the ‘spiritual but nonreligious.’ How do we present the gospel to those who don’t even understand the same thing when we talk about the spiritual realm? This extended tract is designed to provide an introduction to the Christian understanding of the spiritual realm, using metaphors and descriptions that ‘spiritual but nonreligious’ people can easily comprehend.
Photo Recap of Mardi Gras Evangelism – I had the opportunity to travel down to New Orleans this spring with my school to engage in some intensive gospel witnessing. Here is a brief recap of my experience sharing Christ in one of the most challenging settings I will probably ever be in!
History and Current Events
Five Threats Facing American Christians – Every generation of God’s people must face unique threats to their spiritual lives. American believers in the twenty-first century are no different. Here are five threats that I think believers today must pay special attention to. Are you actively avoiding them?
The Eighteenth Century: The Tides of History – I do not know if there is a more fascinating time period than the eighteenth century. It was an era of great ideas and great movements, a remaking of the world in the face of an established and ancient order. It has profoundly affected me and how I view the world today; here is my introduction (the first in a series I wrote) to this breathtaking century.
A Short Life of Luther Rice – We rarely hear about Luther Rice, but few men did more to affect the history of Baptists in America than this man. Researching and studying the story of Rice was one of the most richly rewarding activities of my entire seminary education; I hope more people become familiar with this remarkable figure.
Unhitched? A Review of Andy Stanley and Jeff Durbin’s Discussion on Unbelievable Radio Program – This is a guest post by Matthew Risher, providing reflections on an important topic in modern evangelicalism. What exactly is Andy Stanley teaching, and what should we think about it?
The Dying Christian to His Soul – Here is a remarkable short poem by the english poet Alexander Pope. It is a beautiful and hopeful reminder that while death may be tragically sorrowful, it is only the entrance of the Christian into something of infinitely great joy.
Eleven Life Lessons from Solomon – Solomon can teach us a lot in life. As one of the wisest men in the history of the planet, he can help us think practically about success, administration, what is really valuable, and the importance of the end game. Personally, this may have been the most enjoyable piece that I wrote this year.