The Value of the King James Version for Modern Readers
While you may not choose to use this translation as your go-to Bible, here is why you should acquaint yourself (and your family) with this remarkable Book.

Timothy Talks: What Happened to Jephthah’s Daughter?
Debate around Jephthah’s daughter still rages. Was she actually sacrificed to God as a bloody human sacrifice in the book of Judges? Or did she somehow escape this terrible fate? Here are the clues from the text, and what we can surmise happened.

Overcoming Spiritual Neuropathy
Christians endure spiritual neuropathy when they lose the sense of wonder, awe, and astonishment for the work of God in their lives – in other words, they can’t feel any more.

Timothy Talks: Are Bible Numbers Accurate?
The Bible contains some remarkable numbers, but many of them seem inflated by modern standards. Are Bible numbers accurate? Can we trust the reports given to us in the Bible of huge figures?

Henry Martyn on Union with Christ
If Christ was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities (Isaiah 53:5), we can learn to say to our Lord, like David, “the reproaches of those who reproach you have fallen on me.”

Timothy Talks: Baptized for the Dead?
What does Paul mean when he refers to those who are ‘baptized for the dead’ in 1 Corinthians 15? What are some of the views on this, and what does this passage really mean?

How to Delight in God
God promised that you will have ‘fullness of joy’ and ‘pleasures’ if you are in his presence. Where are they?

Timothy Talks: What is the Unforgivable Sin?
The unforgivable sin has struck terror in the hearts of thousands. What is this sin? Is it really unforgivable? And what should we know about it?

The Beast on a Cross: A Parable
It was these beasts that made life miserable. Many peaceful evenings and tranquil mornings had been startled by the distant roar of dragons. Tearing the silence with their hideous shrieks, the dragons would ignite the cottages into infernos.

Timothy Talks: A Mysterious Prophet
A mysterious prophet shows up in 1 Kings 13, delivers a dire prophecy, then heads home. By the end of the story, he is lying dead on the side of the road. What does this bizarre story teach New Testament believers?