Eight Activities for Quarantine
None of us have experience in living under quarantine before, so we are all figuring out how to do it. The pace of life has slowed down, evenings are empty, and we have a lot more free time. How should we use it?
Americans constantly complain about being busy. Now that excuse is gone. The danger is that we will spend our new-found free time on activities that don’t really matter. With that in mind, here are eight great activities for quarantine:
1 – Read as a family
Now is a great opportunity to gather as a family and read a book together. Does this sound old-fashioned? Perhaps, but it when would be a better time to give it a try? Good idea include a book from the Bible (such as Esther, a short book filled with high drama), a biography (such as ‘To the Golden Shore’), or an old classic (like ‘A Tale of Two Cities’). I fondly remember my mother reading books to us when I was a child, and it’s a great opportunity to connect with others through a shared experience.
2 – Get the NextDoor app
Get this app and use it to serve others in your community. The app allows you to connect with your neighbors. You can offer to pick up groceries for the elderly or serve others in some way. Seek to do ministry using the power of technology!
3 – Call church members
Many in your church may be more vulnerable at this time, and they would appreciate a call. While we are all practicing ‘social distancing,’ some people may be under virtual house arrest and would appreciate getting a call. Perhaps pray with them on the phone or share an encouraging Bible verse.
4 – Spend time with family
Use this opportunity to play games, sit and talk, or engage in a family activity together. We are normally so busy that we don’t have sufficient time to intentionally deepen our relationships, so take advantage of this time.
5 – Pray
We tell ourselves that we are too busy to spend more time in prayer. Now that excuse is removed. Set aside significant time to pray. Maybe you should take an hour each day or set aside an entire evening. Pray through the Psalms, or pray through your church directory.
6 – Read Christian biography
Biographies contain many lessons for us, and they motivate us for the Christian life. Plus, biographies show us how men and women dealt with difficult situations throughout history (just as we are in the middle of a difficult situation at present). You can see some recommended biographies here.
7 – Study the Bible in-depth
If you haven’t had much time to study the Bible recently, there is no better time to begin. This list of helpful recommendations provides a simple approach to Bible study that anyone can use.
8 – Listen to sermons
For many of us, our churches are life-streaming the Sunday sermon, but there are also a wealth of other good messages out there. I recently enjoyed listening to this one from the Sermon on the Mount, this one from Psalm 34, and this one from the book of Leviticus.
Comment below with your ideas on other activities for quarantine!
Excellent post! I appreciated your thoughts on (safely) reaching out to others during this time. In our haste to be personally prepared, it’s good to search for ways to minister to those around us.
To your question, I would add that now is an excellent time to do a personal assessment of one’s life. Where am I in my walk with God? Am I living by eternal priorities? How well am I fulfilling my God-given responsibilities? If we don’t take the time now to honestly assess our lives, when will we?
Great post! It was very encouraging to me!
Thank you so much, Daniel. Those are some really good ideas. And yes, we need to call those and pray with them that have to keep themselves from the outside world. May God richly bless you this day and the years ahead.