10 Quotes on Decision-Making

10 Quotes on Decision-Making

Learning to make the ‘right decision’ in a situation is about far more than knowing a few simple maxims. It is, in some ways, the essence of wisdom: recognizing what is valuable and pursuing that value. As such, learning to…

Inherent Hermeneutics: The Hermeneutic of Scripture

Inherent Hermeneutics: The Hermeneutic of Scripture

Introduction The American church is in a battle for the Bible. Various factions aim to seize, brandish, and use the text of the Bible to advance their cause. To be sure, such Bibline warfare has been endemic through decades, even…

What Sort of Despotism Democratic Nations Have to Fear

What Sort of Despotism Democratic Nations Have to Fear

“Taking into consideration the trivial nature of men’s passions now, the softness of their mores, the extent of their education, the purity of their religion, their steady habits of patient work, and the restraint which they all show in the…