The Most Popular Posts of 2021
As the year concludes, it’s time to take a look back and reflect. I always enjoy reviewing the most popular content of the year. Below you can find the most popular posts of the year, as well as a few of my personal favorites. If you want to peruse more, you might also enjoy the most popular posts of 2020 and 2019 as well!
Biblical Studies
The Three Components of True Faith – It’s easy to talk about faith and the importance of ‘believing’ in Jesus Christ. But what exactly is faith? This article takes apart faith and then puts it back together again, explaining what faith actually is and what separates it from counterfeits.
A Primer on How to Study the Bible – This introduction to Bible study explains the basic types of Bible study and the tools that can help your Bible study to be more effective. It also contains an example plan for studying through a book of the Bible.
Principles for Godly Living – Henry Scougal’s wisdom for godly living has benefitted generations of Christians; this condensed and paraphrased summary of his advice contains 18 principles to help believers in their daily walk with God.
Evangelism and Missions
How Do I Start a Relationship with God? – This question might seem basic, but many people have little knowledge of the Bible, and all this talk about having a ‘personal relationship with God’ might seem confusing. This article attempts to explain, in a very simple way, how to start a relationship with God.
Is Evangelism Optional? – The Bible doesn’t provide many direct commands to ‘tell others about Jesus.’ Could it be that evangelism is optional? By carefully tracing the idea of gospel proclamation through the book of Matthew, we can clearly answer this question.
A Special Exertion of Almighty Power: The Conversion Philosophy of Asahel Nettleton – Nettleton was one of the most influential preachers of the Second Great Awakening. This paper takes a close examination of Nettleton’s philosophy of conversion, showing how he sought to preach the gospel to sinners. He was evidently successful: tens of thousands considered him to be the one who led them to Christ.
History and Current Events
The Case against Vaccine Mandates – I generally haven’t ventured much into the battle surrounding vaccines. In this article (somewhat dated due to new developments), I share some thoughts about why mandates are an infringement on personal liberty.
An Open Letter to President Biden – I penned this letter at the beginning of Biden’s presidential term. My hope was to express support for a man who occupies an important and influential position in government. It’s important that (regardless of our differences) Christians would honor and respect our leaders.
Afghanistan: Lessons from an Unwinnable War – After 20 years, the war in Afghanistan finally ended. We left in defeat, but hopefully we learned some lessons along the way. Here is some food for thought before we entangle ourselves in another war.
10 Quotes on Decision-Making – Do you know how to make good decisions? It’s not a skill that is easily acquired, because it demands wisdom. However, these 10 quotes can help give some guidance.
28 Hints for Gentlemen – The art of being a gentleman is out of style, but not everyone has stopped the practice. Here are 28 suggestions from the Victorian Period that are still applicable to the present day. I think they should still be taught!
The Six Marks of Totalitarianism – Totalitarian governments, on the right and on the left, exhibit these six unique marks. As we observe public discourse today, it’s important to keep an eye on these marks and see where totalitarian influences are rising.
[…] popular pieces, as well as some personal favorites. If you want more, take a look at the lists from 2021, 2020, and […]