Psalm of Sovereignty (Psalm 97)
(1) O earth, rejoice! Above the mass of lands,
The scepter’s held by Yahweh’s steady hands:
(2) His throne is hid by swirling mists and haze,
While justice forms the bedrock of his ways.
(3) A blazing fire goes before his path,
Consumes his foes, and shows his righteous wrath –
(4) While brilliant lightnings terrify the world,
And humans tremble when his wrath’s unfurl’d!
(5) The mountains melt, mere pools of wax, in fear,
When Yahweh, Lord of all the earth, draws near!
(6) Thus all can see his splendid majesty,
Emblazoned on the heav’nly tapestry.
(7) O pagan fools, who boast in wood and stone,
Exalt the LORD, and worship him alone!
(8) In Zion and in Judah, at His voice,
In whirling dance, their daughters fair rejoice;
(9) For you, O Lord, are high o’er all the earth,
Above all gods, is your exalted worth.
(10) All saints, who see his ever-present care,
Take heed to flee the wicked sinful snare!
(11) A crop of joy is sown for those upright,
They reap God’s harvest-fruit of light.
(12) So, righteous saints, your joy in God proclaim;
Direct your thanks to his most holy name!