The Throne of David: Tracing the Gospel in the Book of the Kings
The history of Israel, recorded in First and Second Kings, is like a huge painting, filled with details. Like any good painting, it has a subject, something that our eyes are meant to be drawn to. That subject is the…
Contentment: An Excerpt from The Gulag Archipelago
“And how can you bring it home to them? By an inspiration? by a vision? A dream? Brothers! People! Why has life been given you? “In the deep, deaf stillness of midnight, the doors of the death cells are being…
Inexcusable: A Survey of Romans 2:1-29
Author’s note: This blog post is part of an ongoing series about the book of Romans. To see other Romans resources, click here. After blasting the gentile world for it’s crimes (in Romans 1:18-32), Paul now swivels the guns around…
Rooted: Developing True Community
You may have physical resources, health, a great job, and lot’s of other things going well for you, but community is an intangible form of wealth that many of us lack. American society is notoriously disconnected from those around us,…