God of Creation, God of Salvation: A Song
Some time ago, I published God of Creation, God of Salvation. Originally meant as a simple poem, I’m excited to see how God used it in ways that I didn’t expect. It has now been set to music, and I hope it’s a blessing for you!
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God of Creation, God of Salvation,
Author of all that is gracious and kind;
Praise to the Father, Praise to the Spirit,
Praise to the Savior of all of mankind!
Paradise blooming, Arctic winds blowing,
Lit by auroras of midnight display;
Tropics are warming, Ocean fish swarming,
Swept by the tides and the water’s cool spray!
Insects are molting, Plants begin budding,
Geysers are spewing from molten-rock mud;
Flaming stars twinkling, Planets revolving,
Held by the God-man who shed human blood!
Sinners are changing, Wretches are praying,
Moved by a power of heavenly size!
God is remitting, Angels are watching,
Jesus is hearing our pleas and our cries!
Sacrifice dying, Cross made a fountain,
Blood flowing forth to wash all of our sin –
Death is retreating, Grace is advancing,
Jesus is forming a new man within!
God of Creation, God of Salvation,
Author of wonders and marvels divine!
You we are praising, Us you are saving,
All by the grace of your glor’ous design!
Words by Daniel Pentimone
Music by A.W. Steinbeck
Piano: Campbell Bortel
Cello: Julie Harris
Guitar: Martin Maharas
Vocals: Nathan Smith and Carissa Pentimone
Produced and Mastered by Martin Maharas

In place of comments, I would love to hear from you personally. Please reach out to me via the Contact Page to share your thoughts and perspectives on this post!