The First Rule of Religion
The first rule of religion is so simple that even a child can understand it, but it is exceedingly difficult to learn. You cannot have a relationship with God without first bowing to this simple rule – and you will…

The Spiritual Benefits of Evangelism
We normally think of evangelism as something that we do for others: to rescue the lost, in obedience to Jesus. And while that’s certainly true, there are also a number of spiritual benefits that come to those who faithfully share…

A Morning Hymn (Thomas Ken)
Awake, my Soul, and with the SunThy daily stage of Duty run,Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise,To pay thy Morning sacrifice. Thy precious Time misspent, redeem,Each present Day thy last esteem,Improve thy Talent with due care,For the Great Day…

“The Principle Things of Religion” – Selections from Theological Lectures
The following selections come from Archbishop Robert Leighton’s ‘Theological Lectures,’ which may be found HERE. Mankind “looks for a happy life in the region of death.” (Augustine) “To know God is wisdom, and to worship him, justice.” (Lactantius) “But the…

Our Great Patron
Patronage is a social system in which people do favors for each other, and it’s important for understanding the setting of the New Testament. It wasn’t until I read Honor, Patronage, Kinship, and Purity: Unlocking New Testament Culture that I…