The History of the Church by Century
NOTE: see the article ‘The History of the World by Century’ for a similar article on world history.
In order to understand history, it is necessary to develop a framework or ‘pegboard’ on which to attach people, places, and events. Without this, history is a boring list of names, places, and dates. But when we have this pegboard, we are able to make sense of dates because we can place them in relationship to other key events.
The list below creates a simple framework for us to better understand the key events and individuals in the history of the church. By learning 1-3 key figures and 1-3 key events, we can understand what characterized each century of the church.
It’s important to note that the significant figures listed are not necessarily theologically solid. However, each one of them played a significant role in that century of Christian history.
Rather than trying to learn this framework by heart, focus instead on referencing it as you study church history. It will provide a quick guide to each major century. Look up the events and individuals listed, and you will learn this history even better!
Modern Christianity (1517-present)
1900-2000 (20th century AD) – Billy Graham, Francis Schaeffer, Martyn Lloyd-Jones // Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy; New Calvinism
1800-1900 (19th century AD) – Charles Spurgeon, William Wilberforce, George Muller // Second Great Awakening; Modern Mission Movement
1700-1800 (18th century AD) – George Whitefield, John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards// First Great Awakening
1600-1700 (17th century AD) – John Bunyan, John Owen, Philipp Spener // Puritan Movement; Pietist Movement; Westminster Confession
1500-1600 (16th century AD) – Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli // Reformation; Anabaptist Movement; Counter-Reformation
Medieval Christianity (590-1517 AD)
1400-1500 (15th century AD) – Jan Hus, Girolamo Savonarolla // Fall of Constantinople
1300-1400 (14th century AD) – John Wycliffe // Avignon Papacy
1200-1300 (13th century AD) – Thomas Aquinas, Francis of Assisi // Dominican and Franciscan Orders; Medieval Scholasticism
1100-1200 (12th century AD) – Bernard of Clairvaux, Peter Waldo // 2nd Crusade, 3rd Crusade
1000-1100 (11th century AD) – Anselm of Canterbury, Urban II // Great Schism, 1st Crusade
900-1000 (10th century AD) – Berno of Cluny // Cluniac Reforms
800-900 (9th century AD) – Ansgar // Movement of Relics
700-800 (8th century AD) – Bede, Boniface // Conversion of Saxons
600-700 (7th century AD) – Isidore of Seville // Irish Monasticism
Ancient Christianity (33-590 AD)
500-600 (6th century AD) – Gregory I, Columba, Benedict of Nursia // Hagia Sophia, Benedictine Rule
400-500 (5th century AD) – Augustine of Hippo, Patrick // Council of Chalcedon, Pelagian Controversy
300-400 (4th century AD) – Athanasius, Capadocian Fathers, Jerome // Arian Controversy, Edict of Milan, Council of Nicea
200-300 (3rd century AD) – Tertullian, Origen // Persecutions
100-200 (2nd century AD) – Polycarp, Justin Martyr // Persecutions
0-100 (1st century AD) – Jesus, Paul Peter // Life of Christ, Jerusalem Council, Paul’s Missionary Journeys
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