The Apostle’s Creed in Verse
Recommended tunes: Azmon or Dundee
I do believe in God above
I will confess his might;
He formed the earth, the sky, the sea
And all the realms of light.
I do believe in Jesus Christ
He is by us adored
He is the only Son of God
And we confess him Lord
Who by the Spirit was conceived
And born from virgin’s womb
Whom Pontius Pilate crucified
And placed within a tomb
And after he had suffered, died
And entered Hades’s sway
He rose victor’ous from the dead
The morn of that third day.
He’s seated now at God’s right hand,
Who rose to heav’n on high;
He’ll come again to judge all flesh
Descending from the sky.
I do believe in God the Spir’t,
The holy church most broad,
The fellowship of christian saints,
And sins forgiv’n by God
The body’s resurrection day
Eternal life again.
Praise God the Father, and the Spir’t
And Jesus Christ. Amen.
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