The White Elephant

The White Elephant

Long ago, it was a custom in Thailand that the king would give a white elephant to any noble that he didn’t like. The white elephant was an exceedingly rare creature. Being so rare, and being a gift from the…

The Four Types of Bad Bible Readers

The Four Types of Bad Bible Readers

Are you a bad Bible reader? It’s more common than you think. Maybe you have a bit of the mad scientist in you? The postman? Whatever your tendency, you don’t want to end up like these… The Lawn Care Specialist…

Six Guidelines for Developing Biblical Friendship

Six Guidelines for Developing Biblical Friendship

As we’ve seen, friendship is a vital part of the Christian life. But how do we develop biblical friendships? #1 – Spend Time with People It’s impossible to be good friends with someone if you don’t spend time around them….

The LORD is...

The LORD is…

…the God who appeared (Genesis 35:1)…the God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments (Deuteronomy 7:9)…the God who is in Jerusalem (Ezra 1:3)…the God who works wonders (Psalm 77:14)…the God who pleads…