Wisdom First: Building a Life of Spiritual Maturity
“The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight.” (Proverbs 4:7)
The most elementary principle of wisdom is this: that she must be pursued above all else. There is nothing else that can take the priority over the pursuit of wisdom. She must be pursued whole-heartedly, indefatigably, insistently.
How do you pursue wisdom in your life? Have you made this your priority?
> Daily Bible reading is the single greatest long-term indicator of whether someone will grow and mature spiritually. Do you prioritize this every day? Or is it an afterthought?
> Do you read the Bible consecutively? In other words, do you recognize that it is a collection of books that each have a narrative, and each have lessons and truths for you to discover? Or do you ‘parachute’ into the Bible, reading snippets here and there?
> Do you prioritize the local church, which includes the preaching of the Word? Is the church that you attend one that emphasizes the meaning of the Biblical text, and teaches it faithfully, explaining what it means according to its grammatical-historical meaning?
> Do you fellowship with other believers, spend time with them, linger at church, invite them over to your home, have coffee with them? Do you have spiritual conversations with them?
> Do you seek wisdom from other Christians in perplexing situations? Do you have a spiritually mature mentor (or mentors) whom you go to for advice? Do you seek advice only to get the counsel that you want to hear, or do you seek wisdom honestly by explaining all aspects of your life situations?
In place of comments, I would love to hear from you personally. Please reach out to me via the Contact Page to share your thoughts and perspectives on this post!
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