Jesus Changes Everything

Jesus Changes Everything

“This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him.” (John 2:11) The first miracle that John records about Jesus is the turning of water into wine at…

The Gospel from a Covenant Perspective

The Gospel from a Covenant Perspective

The Bible is covenantal – that is to say, the structure of the biblical narrative is based on covenants. These covenants function as the ‘spine’ on which the story hinges. We often speak of the Gospel as if it was…

Overcoming Fear in Evangelism

Overcoming Fear in Evangelism

Fear is something that we all wrestle with in evangelism. I was very fearful when I first began to evangelize. I was afraid that people would reject me. I was afraid that people would ask me questions that I didn’t…

Judson on Submitting to God's Providence

Judson on Submitting to God’s Providence

“If the Lord has other purposes, it becomes us meekly to acquiesce, and willingly to sacrifice our dearest hopes to the Divine will. We rest assured that, in either case, the perfections of God will be displayed.” “Our obedience was…

God-Glorifying Margins

God-Glorifying Margins

Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a lifelong activity. You can’t check it off a list. You can’t schedule it. It consists of more than giving someone a tract. It takes more time than showing up at a Saturday…

Leighton on Scripture Study

Leighton on Scripture Study

“…let him that desires to be, not only a nominal proficient in theology, but φιλοθεος και θεοδιδακτος, a real lover of God and willing to be taught by him, resolve within himself, above all things, to make this sacred volume…

Living for Eternity

Living for Eternity

Time is short, and passing away. That is why the author of Ecclesiastes said, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you…

The Most Popular Posts of 2022

The Most Popular Posts of 2022

I’ve published a lot of content in 2022 – here are some of the most popular pieces, as well as some personal favorites. If you want more, take a look at the lists from 2021, 2020, and 2019. Biblical Studies…

22 Books from 2022

22 Books from 2022

“A peasant that reads is a prince in waiting.” (Walter Mosley) This year’s reading list is – as usual – a wide-ranging series of topics that will fill your mind with big ideas and new ways of looking at the…

Advantageous: A Survey of Romans 3:1-8

Advantageous: A Survey of Romans 3:1-8

Author’s note: This blog post is part of an ongoing series about the book of Romans. To see other Romans resources, click here. Having finally wrestled both Jews and Gentiles into orange jumpsuits, Paul is about to haul them all…