The Luke Challenge
Every year ends the same: I scramble to finish my yearly projects. This year is no different, and several weeks ago I realized that I needed to do extra Scripture reading. At my current rate, I wasn’t going to complete…
The Key to Genuine Thankfulness
Now that the Thanksgiving holiday is behind us, let me ask you a tough question. Were you thankful on Thanksgiving Day? More importantly, Are you still thankful today? We could divide the people of the world into three groups, based…
Comforting Words: God’s Lovely Gift
Earlier this month I had the opportunity to contribute this article to the 5th issue of the Bible Bee Alumni e-newsletter. Thank you, Brittany S., for this opportunity! My family has been involved in the National Bible Bee for a number…
The Christian’s Duty to Hope
According to the Apostle Peter, Christians are a privileged people. In just three verses (1 Peter 1:10-12) he showed that they obtain an ancient salvation. All the prophecies of the Old Testament were written for their benefit. In particular,…
Departing the Camp
Modern Jerusalem looks nothing like the City of David in the time of Jesus. Today it is a bustling metropolis, complete with high-rise apartment buildings, sprawling suburbs, and densely-packed roadways. Yet Zion was once contained within walls. Outside the walls,…
A Summary of Elijah’s Life
The Great Famine Wearing a garment of hair and a leather belt, from the town of Tishbe in Gilead, a dramatic figure confronted Ahab the king of Israel. “As the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, before whom I stand,”…
Infographic: Spiritual Warfare
The Bible has much to say about spiritual warfare. While it is impossible to summarize everything about this important topic, this infographic points out some key concepts. [email subscribers: this is an updated and corrected repost]
John Brown on the Christian Race
“The whole of the Christian duty is represented as a race – a race set before them, which they must run, and “run with patience.” The principal ideas suggested by this figurative view of Christian duty are the following: It…
Four Steps to Appreciating the Psalms
The Psalms have not always been my favorite book of the Bible. There was once a time when, like many others, I could recite Psalm 23 (‘The Lord is my shepherd…’), and I knew that Psalm 119 was the longest…
The Earth is Full of Thy Mercy
When I think of the modern world, it is easy to be pessimistic. Outside the western world – and even within it – there is trouble, poverty, and chaos. Trouble in the World The third world, and much of the…