Mary or Martha? Questions for Personal Analysis
Devotion – sitting at the feet of Jesus, strengthening our relationship with Him – is not a gift for some disciples. It is a basic essential for all disciples. Everyone is called to it.
The Attitude Necessary for Gratitude
Thankfulness is more than an action. It stems from an attitude, an entire way of viewing yourself and the world.
How to Diligently Seek God
It is as certain as anything can be that the moment we begin to apply ourselves to spiritual things we shall immediately come face to face with this problem of indolence and the laziness that afflicts us…
Satanology 101 (Part 2)
Satan is a personal being, the god of this world. He actively does evil in the world. These are discouraging truths, but there is more to the story. Satan has his limitations.
Satanology 101 (Part 1)
Who is Satan? A red figure with a pointed tail and horns? An evil ‘force’ or ‘principle’ that exists in the world? Fortunately, we aren’t left in the dark. The Bible gives many details about this mysterious being.
How Do You Live a Life of Faith?
What is faith? It is not a matter of feeling, and it does not act automatically. Faith must be applied. But what does this look like?
How to Live like a Berean
Do you know God’s Word as the Bereans did? Is God’s Word the final authority for your life? Are you willing to stand for truth regardless of the opposition?
Prayer: Arguing with God
“Getting Things from God: A Study of the Prayer Life.” This is the title of a book published in 1915 by Charles Blanchard. I admit that I’ve never read the book, so I won’t criticize its contents, but I’m certainly…
Jonathan’s Robust View of God
God is big. He cares for us. He doesn’t need us, but He is willing to use us to accomplish his merciful intentions. This is the truth that Jonathan, the friend of King David, believed with all his heart. Jonathan…
Do You Bless God?
The practice of divine benediction has a long history. From the ancient stories of Genesis to the accounts of the early church, God’s people have consistently seen reasons to bless their Creator. Abraham’s servant exclaimed, “Blessed be the LORD, the…