The Best Books from 2024
It’s the end of the year, and time for one of the most anticipated posts at From Daniels Desk: The Best Books from 2024.

The Best Books from 2023
Let us dare to think, read, speak, and write. (John Adams) For the last number of years, I’ve kept up the habit of sharing my favorite books from the year – and 2023 is no exception. I’ve still got a…

One Church, All People: Biblical Truth about Diversity and Reconciliation – A Review
Postmodern thinking, critical theories, and racial strife are the new talking points, both in society and the church. Most recognize that there is racial tension in America, but few know how to solve it. What is needed is a biblical…

21 Books from 2021
“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” So said Jim Rohn, and it’s true: reading develops your mind, provides you with new ideas, and prepares you for success.

Removing the Stain of Racism from the SBC: A Review
Biographical Sketch Many within the Southern Baptist Convention believe that the Convention has a duty to work toward reconciliation between ethnicities. Removing the Stain of Racism from the Southern Baptist Convention: Diverse African American and White Perspectives (hereafter referred to…

Ultimate Meaning and ‘The Stranger’
Imagine living in a world where there is no true meaning, depth, or significance in anything. If you can imagine such a world, then you have entered The Stranger.

Seven Worthwhile Christian Biographies
I am convinced that few books are more powerful and life-changing than biographies. Biographies have a unique power to shape our view of the world and our idea of how to live life.

20 Books from 2020
Benjamin Franklin once quipped, ““If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.”

A Believer’s Last Day, His Best Day: A Review
I recently had the opportunity to read A Believer’s Last Day, His Best Day, by Thomas Brooks.This short book is the record of a sermon, preached by Brooks at the funeral of Mrs. Martha Randall in London in 1651.

19 Books from 2019
Every year I do it for you, my dear readers: I head deep into the dangerous world of the library to snatch out the choicest books and introduce you to profound, entertaining, and educational reads. For the last several years I’ve summarized my best reads of the year. This year I’m happy to present to you 19 books from 2019.