On the Nature of Man

On the Nature of Man

Agnoete: What an amazing animal is mankind! He evolved from apes and chimps, but he is able to reason and think and communicate and create! Theophilus: This is because man is more than an animal; though he resembles animals in…

10 Tips to Boost Your Bible Reading

10 Tips to Boost Your Bible Reading

1 – Make it a habit. The single most important step you can take to grow spiritually is to commit to daily Bible reading. Don’t commit for a day, a week, or a month – commit for life! If you do so, reading…

Worshipping as a Monotask

Worshipping as a Monotask

Four Monotasks Two months ago I wrote about how to keep your phone from preventing monotasks. Today I want to continue pursuing the idea of ‘monotasking’ from a Christian perspective. I also want to be intensely practical. Wine (author of…

The Great Gamble

The Great Gamble

Biblical faith is not blind, but it is a gamble. It is reasonable and evidential, but it involves risk. Faith is the risk of taking God at his Word. It’s easy to read the Word, go to church, pray, spend…

The Present and Eternity

The Present and Eternity

This excerpt, from ‘The Screwtape Letters’ is too good to pass up. It’s a letter from Screwtape, an older devil, teaching his student, Wormwood, how to tempt humans. Remember that, in this dialogue, ‘Our Enemy’ refers to God, while ‘us’…

On Dying to the World

On Dying to the World

“On the whole, learn by divine grace, to die to the present world; to look upon it as a low state of being, which God never intended for the final and complete happiness, or the supreme care of any one…

Drawing Lines to Love

Drawing Lines to Love

“But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” (1 Timothy 1:5) The whole purpose of Christian doctrine, according to Paul, is to love well. This is the aim…

Encouraging Quotes on God's Sovereignty

Encouraging Quotes on God’s Sovereignty

“Let us grant that God can do some things which we cannot understand.” (Augustine) “This is my Father’s world: / O let me ne’er forget / That though the wrong seems oft so strong, / God is the ruler yet.”…

Solvitur Ambulando

Solvitur Ambulando

The phrase is attributable to St. Augustine. It’s Latin, and it translates to – “It is solved by walking. Literally, it means that sometimes, the solution arrives just by taking a walk. Relax your mind, take a walk, and the…

Why Today Matters

Why Today Matters

Most likely, today is not going to be a very noteworthy day. It will probably be like most every other day. It might be easier, it might be harder – but it probably won’t stand out as particularly significant in…