Solvitur Ambulando

Solvitur Ambulando

The phrase is attributable to St. Augustine. It’s Latin, and it translates to – “It is solved by walking. Literally, it means that sometimes, the solution arrives just by taking a walk. Relax your mind, take a walk, and the…

Why Today Matters

Why Today Matters

Most likely, today is not going to be a very noteworthy day. It will probably be like most every other day. It might be easier, it might be harder – but it probably won’t stand out as particularly significant in…

Prayer Is Work

Prayer Is Work

I was recently encouraged by a friend who reminded me that ‘prayer is work.’ The New Testament certainly presents this idea, even if it doesn’t use that word. It speaks of striving in prayer (Romans 15:30), devoting oneself to prayer…

The Unrushed Life

The Unrushed Life

It was a favorite saying of the Emperor Caesar Augustus, Festina lente – Hasten slowly. I am told that the emperor considered there to be few things more unbecoming in a noble man than haste. I don’t normally write much…

The First Rule of Religion

The First Rule of Religion

The first rule of religion is so simple that even a child can understand it, but it is exceedingly difficult to learn. You cannot have a relationship with God without first bowing to this simple rule – and you will…

"The Principle Things of Religion" - Selections from Theological Lectures

“The Principle Things of Religion” – Selections from Theological Lectures

The following selections come from Archbishop Robert Leighton’s ‘Theological Lectures,’ which may be found HERE. Mankind “looks for a happy life in the region of death.” (Augustine) “To know God is wisdom, and to worship him, justice.” (Lactantius) “But the…

The Abuse of Knowledge

The Abuse of Knowledge

In previous ages, there was great benefit to knowing and accessing information. Today, that has changed; the benefit exists for those who know how to use information. It is no longer difficult, for example, to have access to textbooks and…

How to Use Earthly Joy and Sorrow

How to Use Earthly Joy and Sorrow

In a changeable world – where joy is fleeting and sorrow is prevalent – Christians are able to live unhindered by their earthly circumstances. This is Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 7. At first glance, it appears to be a…

The Christian Convert Warned of Discouragements - Doddridge

The Christian Convert Warned of Discouragements – Doddridge

The following is a modernized, paraphrased, and condensed excerpt from Philip Doddridge’s book ‘The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul.’ This excerpt comes from Chapter 16. The full title of the chapter is, “The Christian Convert Warned of,…

The Six Characteristics of Kind People

The Six Characteristics of Kind People

This list doesn’t claim to be comprehensive. It’s just my simple attempt to list out some of the characteristics that define kind people. I’m blessed to know many of them – and challenged each day to grow in these attributes….