The Christian Convert Warned of Discouragements - Doddridge

The Christian Convert Warned of Discouragements – Doddridge

The following is a modernized, paraphrased, and condensed excerpt from Philip Doddridge’s book ‘The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul.’ This excerpt comes from Chapter 16. The full title of the chapter is, “The Christian Convert Warned of,…

The Six Characteristics of Kind People

The Six Characteristics of Kind People

This list doesn’t claim to be comprehensive. It’s just my simple attempt to list out some of the characteristics that define kind people. I’m blessed to know many of them – and challenged each day to grow in these attributes….

On Contentment and Patience

On Contentment and Patience

The following excerpts, from Philip Doddridge’s ‘Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul,’ describes the Christian graces of contentment and patience. “The divine philosophy of the blessed Jesus will also teach you ‘a contented temper.’  It will moderate your…

Judson on Submitting to God's Providence

Judson on Submitting to God’s Providence

“If the Lord has other purposes, it becomes us meekly to acquiesce, and willingly to sacrifice our dearest hopes to the Divine will. We rest assured that, in either case, the perfections of God will be displayed.” “Our obedience was…

Living for Eternity

Living for Eternity

Time is short, and passing away. That is why the author of Ecclesiastes said, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you…

Contentment: An Excerpt from The Gulag Archipelago

Contentment: An Excerpt from The Gulag Archipelago

“And how can you bring it home to them? By an inspiration? by a vision? A dream? Brothers! People! Why has life been given you? “In the deep, deaf stillness of midnight, the doors of the death cells are being…

Leighton on Purity of Life

Leighton on Purity of Life

“…That we may be the better provided for this useful, and altogether necessary exercise of cleansing our hearts and ways, and apply it with the greater vigour, let us dwell a little upon that sacred expression in the Psalms, Wherewithal…

Astronomy: God's Handiwork on Display

Astronomy: God’s Handiwork on Display

“Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads off from this world to another.” (Plato) The distance from earth to sun is more than 91 million miles. But because that number has a lot of zeros, astronomers measure that…

Judson on the Christian Life

***Reminder: I’m giving away $50 of free books! If you haven’t already, subscribe and pass this on to your friends for more opportunities to win. Click HERE for further details*** On Obedience “O, when will Christians learn…that their puny, polluted…

Young Men, Pursue Freedom!

Young Men, Pursue Freedom!

My encouragement for men in general – but especially for young men – is to pursue genuine freedom in all aspects of their lives. We often toss around the idea of freedom nonchalantly, thinking that because we live in a…