The SAT and the New Aristocracy
The new SAT ‘adversity score’ highlights the rise of the new aristocracy: a class of citizens who enjoy systematic privileges because of who they are, not what they did.

A Current Church Divide that You NEED to Know About
Leftist social theory is being added to the Gospel. This is dangerous, and it is happening in the church. ‘The Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel’ is a courageous stand against a dangerous doctrine.

Seven Radical Changes in Our Generation
“I fear that we shall accept as wisdom what is only knowledge, and accept as progress things that are nothing more than change.” Never has this been more true than today. The world of today is radically different than it…

Christendom and the 500 Year Cycle
With surprising regularity, Christendom faces dramatic changes every 500 years. I say this, not because there is anything intrinsically special about 500-year anniversaries, but because of the historical precedent. I also bring this up because the last dramatic change was…

Two Takeaways from the Las Vegas Massacre
On Sunday night, the deadliest mass shooting by a single individual in US history was perpetrated. We still have a lot of questions. Why did this happen? Does the shooter have any affiliations? How can we prevent a scenario like…

Paul Visits the Modern Church
What would happen if Paul visited the modern American evangelical church? This brief excerpt from No Place for Truth: Or, Whatever Happened to Evangelical Theology by David Wells presents one possible scenario: “We can only guess how well the apostle Paul…

Waterboarding: What Should We Think?
With a Republican president in office, the issue of waterboarding comes up…again. At this time, while Trump has indicated that he supports the use of waterboarding, he has also deferred to those who would be more directly over the program….

Intelligent Design on Mars
Is there life on the other planets? This is a question that humans have been asking for years. In fact, we have devoted incredible resources to searching for extra-terrestrial life. Before Congress ended the funding in 1993, NASA spent 2.5…

Making Sense of Syria
For some time I have thought about writing on the Syria conflict – a messy and bloody war that is as convoluted as it is heartbreaking. Now, following the Trump administration’s missile attacks, it is only more imperative that we…

The Gothic Refugee Crisis of 376
When you first saw the title of this article, you probably assumed that it was written for or against Trump’s executive action on refugees. It is not. After that, you probably wondered whether there even was a Gothic refugee crisis,…