Evangelism Myths: What It Really Means to Share the Gospel
Evangelism, at its simplest, is the process of proclaiming the gospel to others. It is the first step in discipleship – meaning, that if we want to ‘make disciples of all the nations,’ we have to start somewhere. That first…

Pain and Purpose: The Self-Evident Truths Revealed by Suffering
There are certain truths which humanity cannot escape; they are ‘self-evident.’ This means that they do not need proof; any reasonable person who thinks seriously about them must accept them. The most famous application of self-evident truths is found in…

How I Share the Gospel
One of the practical challenges of sharing the gospel with unbelievers is to present it in a way that makes sense. Christians often study the gospel and describe it in ways that are theologically precise and biblical, but not necessarily…

The Urgency of Evangelism
“So when they had come together, they asked him, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by…

Three Reasons to Keep Sharing Your Faith
“As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good.” (2 Thessalonians 3:13) In evangelism, as in many other aspects of the Christian life, faithfulness is often as important, or more important, than skill. Consistency in sharing your faith…

The Spiritual Benefits of Evangelism
We normally think of evangelism as something that we do for others: to rescue the lost, in obedience to Jesus. And while that’s certainly true, there are also a number of spiritual benefits that come to those who faithfully share…

Overcoming Fear in Evangelism
Fear is something that we all wrestle with in evangelism. I was very fearful when I first began to evangelize. I was afraid that people would reject me. I was afraid that people would ask me questions that I didn’t…

God-Glorifying Margins
Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a lifelong activity. You can’t check it off a list. You can’t schedule it. It consists of more than giving someone a tract. It takes more time than showing up at a Saturday…

The Prosperity Gospel: Syncretism and African Traditional Religion
There is a reason why the prosperity gospel has spread so fast through Africa, and it has nothing to do with the Spirit of God. Rather, the prosperity gospel has grown to be the dominant religion in much of sub-saharan…

Stop Telling People They Aren’t Perfect
For too long, we’ve been telling people, ‘you need to admit that you’re a sinner. You’re not perfect.’ It’s time to stop.