How Do I Start a Relationship with God?
Some people have never been to church before, and they don’t know how to start a relationship with God. Other people might have been religious at some point, but they feel that their relationship with God has been broken, and…
Why is the Bible so Hard to Understand?
Why is the Bible so hard to understand? If you’ve wondered this, you’re not alone. Here are some of the most difficult aspects of reading the Bible, as well as solutions to the problem. Bible Reading Challenges Without doubt, there…
Is Evangelism Optional?
Let’s face it: the Bible isn’t very direct in telling us that we need to share the gospel with other people. Sure, the Great Commission is a direct command, and Peter advises that we should always be ready to give…
A Special Exertion of Almighty Power: The Conversion Philosophy of Asahel Nettleton
While the specific cultural situations of the present are unlike the past, there is much that modern believers can learn from the past. One of the great instructors of evangelism must surely be Asahel Nettleton, the itinerant evangelist of the Second Great Awakening.
Personal Evangelism Tips
Simply go out as a laborer with God and see what He does through your life. Simply follow Christ and keep witnessing.
The Evangelistic Motivation of Luther Rice
Though he never fulfilled his dream of engaging in foreign missionary work, Luther Rice was astonishingly influential in Christ’s kingdom. Speaking of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, he said that “I esteem it the happiest point in…
Entrancing Loveliness: Bibliocentric Evangelism in Psalm 119
In Psalm 119, the Word of God becomes the central apologetic of the pious life. ‘The Law of the LORD’ draws sinners to righteousness.
Pneuma: What Does it Mean to be a Spiritual Person?
Are you spiritual, but not religious? Does religion feel like it could stifle your spirituality? If so, I can sympathize – but perhaps religion can still provide some help to your spirituality.
Five Secular Myths about Missions
This is a guest post by my friend Trevor Johnson, a missionary to the remote Korowai people of central Papua, Indonesia. Please enjoy his unique perspective on modern mission work! April 1874 – the British Empire’s treasury pays £500 for…
Tract: The Gospel that Jesus Proclaimed
There are so many people telling us what the Bible says, but they don’t all agree. Who can we trust? Maybe we should listen to Jesus. This is the message that Jesus gave to people: “…Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming…