The Prayer of Abraham at Beersheba
“Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba and called there on the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God.” (Genesis 21:33) Eternal God! Who called me to this landOf wells and deserts, dust and burning sand,Where nomads wander, and in…

The Apostle’s Creed in Verse
Recommended tunes: Azmon or Dundee I do believe in God aboveI will confess his might;He formed the earth, the sky, the seaAnd all the realms of light. I do believe in Jesus ChristHe is by us adoredHe is the only…

The Encounter (John Newton)
In evil long I took delight,Unawed by shame or fear,Till a new object struck my sight,And stopped my wild career:I saw One hanging on a treeIn agonies and blood,Who fixed His languid eyes on me,As near His cross I stood….

When We Cannot Sleep (George Wither)
What ails my heart, that in my breastIt thus unquiet lies;And that it now of needful restDeprives my tired eyes? Let not vain hopes, griefs, doubts, or fears,Distemper so my mind;But cast on God thy thoughtful cares,And comfort thou shalt…

An Evening Hymn (Thomas Ken)
All Praise to Thee, my God, this night,For all the Blessings of the Light;Keep me, O keep me, King of Kings,Beneath Thy own Almighty Wings. Forgive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son,The ill that I this day have done;That with…

A Morning Hymn (Thomas Ken)
Awake, my Soul, and with the SunThy daily stage of Duty run,Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise,To pay thy Morning sacrifice. Thy precious Time misspent, redeem,Each present Day thy last esteem,Improve thy Talent with due care,For the Great Day…

The Messenger of Light
Enrobed in scarlet, with a reddish tone,The DEVIL once was easily made known – Infernal monster of the lowest parts,And greatest master of the blackest arts! Then men could see him with his teeth and claws,And mouth, that dripped of rage,…

The Psalms Project (Psalms 1-15)
The Psalms are musical. Many musicians have composed beautiful songs with the text or paraphrase of the Psalms, and we can all benefit from their creativity. I’ve started compiling a list of all the Psalms set to music – but…

Psalm of the Ancient Throne (Psalm 93)
(1) Jehovah reigns! His purple regal robeIs strength, establishing unmov’d the globe. (2) From ancient dawn his throne has stood secure;From everlasting, Lord, you still endure. (3) Unending waves in ceaseless, drenching praiseScatter their foam in misty sheets of haze….

Psalm of Sovereignty (Psalm 97)
(1) O earth, rejoice! Above the mass of lands,The scepter’s held by Yahweh’s steady hands:(2) His throne is hid by swirling mists and haze,While justice forms the bedrock of his ways.(3) A blazing fire goes before his path,Consumes his foes,…