As We Have Opportunity
We are sometimes asked whether the apostle Paul would have voted, if he was given the opportunity. We know that Paul viewed himself as a citizen of heaven (Philippians 3:20), and he often did not make use of his Roman…

When Politics Turn Against You: A Christian Survival Guide
You love God and country. Your home décor features the words ‘faith, family, freedom.’ An American flag waves in your yard, and you love to talk politics. Religion is the most important topic, but the direction of our country affects…

What Sort of Despotism Democratic Nations Have to Fear
“Taking into consideration the trivial nature of men’s passions now, the softness of their mores, the extent of their education, the purity of their religion, their steady habits of patient work, and the restraint which they all show in the…

The Six Marks of Totalitarianism
These are the six defining marks of totalitarianism: where the state becomes absolute and dictates every aspect of life.

An Open Letter to President Biden
Four years ago, on the inauguration of President Trump, I penned An Open Letter to President Trump; this year, I continue the tradition with a similar letter to President Biden.

Lloyd-Jones on Preaching and Politics
One great difference between Christianity and secularism is that secularism is always talking about generalities, and the individual is forgotten. Christianity realizes that the mass, the nation, is nothing after all but a collection of individuals.

Voting: An Exercise in Freedom
“How absurd men are! They never use the liberties they have, they demand those they do not have.” So mused Soren Kierkegard, Danish philosopher of the nineteenth century, and his observation stands true today.

Eight Ways to Save Our Republic
If you are concerned about the state of our nation, then I’m writing for you. America is in grave danger, but there is still time to save our Republic.

Denying the Facts
Dear Conservatives: you don’t use facts to back you up. You’re scared of certain facts, and you run from them, when you could use them to your advantage. I’m tired of it.

The Death of Justice
Whether dressed in the black gown or the orange jumpsuit, and whether cheering the elephant or riding the donkey, many Americans agree that the judicial system needs to be reformed. Why? The great problem of the modern justice system is…