22 Books from 2022
“A peasant that reads is a prince in waiting.” (Walter Mosley) This year’s reading list is – as usual – a wide-ranging series of topics that will fill your mind with big ideas and new ways of looking at the…

Win Free Books!
Do you want to win some free books? I want to get them into your hands, because I believe that reading is powerful. It has the potential to change your life! On October 16, I’m going to hold a drawing,…

Share Your Thoughts!
Dear Reader, Could you take a moment to share your thoughts with me? Just scroll down and answer the two simple questions below. Then, please leave a comment (or click HERE) to send me your thoughts, recommendations, suggestions, and ideas on…

Three Defining Elements of Ancient Hebrew Faith
This short excerpt, from “Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions” does a good job of summarizing the most defining elements of Old Testament faith – and what separated it from the religions of surrounding peoples. (1) The Israelites worshipped a…

The Most Popular Posts of 2021
As the year concludes, it’s time to take a look back and reflect. I always enjoy reviewing the most popular content of the year. Below you can find the most popular posts of the year, as well as a few of my personal favorites.

Guest Poem: The Purpose of Pain
Seared emotions.Cauterize the feeling to stop the bleeding.They said that killing the pain will lead to healing,But that simply is not true. Pain is a sign of life.You can’t ask for surgery and avoid the knife.A numb limb is doomed…

How You Can Help Me
I write this blog because I want to serve you. But could you take a moment to help me? Just scroll down and answer the two simple questions below. Then, please leave a comment (or click HERE) to send me your…

28 Hints for Gentlemen
I recently came across a Victorian-era manual of etiquette. The title is, “The Gentlemen’s Book of Etiquette and Manual of Politeness: Being a Complete Guide for a Gentleman’s Conduct in all his Relations Towards Society.” Written by Cecil Hartley in…

A Primer on How to Study the Bible
Many people read the Bible, but from my experience, not many are engaged in Bible study. It’s the difference between walking through a gold field and picking up golden nuggets or buying some mining equipment and excavating the fabulous treasures…

The Most Popular Posts of 2020
My prayer for this website is that it would encourage you to deepen your relationship with God. This year I published a lot of new content for that purpose. As the year ends, now is a great time to look…