Please Take the Survey!
Every year I ask for just a moment of your time. How can I improve this site so it serves you better? Just scroll down and answer the two simple questions below. Then, please leave a comment (or click HERE)…

Just Two Minutes…
Hi friend! It’s Daniel here. Would you take just TWO MINUTES to help me, right now? Earlier this week I mentioned how you can win a Kindle or $25 gift card. All you have to do is tell your friend…

Help Spread the Word! (And Win a Kindle!)
If you have benefitted from ‘From Daniel’s Desk,’ would you take just a moment to help me? This website exists to serve God’s people. It can only do that for the people who know about it. Would you help spread…

Introducing the Athenaeum
In ancient Rome, the Athenaeum was a school founded by the emperor Hadrian, designed to pass on the knowledge of ancient times. Today, I want to introduce you to the online Athenaeum, hosted right here on From Daniel’s Desk. It’s…

The Most Popular Posts of 2019
I enjoy reminiscing at the end of the year – so join me in perusing some of the most popular posts at From Daniel’s Desk!

Please Take the Survey!
If you’ve enjoyed ‘From Daniel’s Desk,’ I would love to hear your thoughts. Would you take just sixty seconds to complete this year’s survey?

The Expulsive Power of a New Affection
The following is a summarized, paraphrased version of a sermon by Thomas Chalmers. The content is too good to miss, but the language is archaic and difficult to follow. This new version makes the sermon accessible for modern English readers.

The Beast on a Cross: A Parable
It was these beasts that made life miserable. Many peaceful evenings and tranquil mornings had been startled by the distant roar of dragons. Tearing the silence with their hideous shrieks, the dragons would ignite the cottages into infernos.

Eleven Life Lessons from Solomon
The fabled king of the east is in the Bible for a reason. His life – charmed as it was by wealth, power, wisdom, and love – teaches us many things. As I recently read through his story again, I noticed eleven practical life lessons.

Unhitched? A Review of Andy Stanley and Jeff Durbin’s Discussion on Unbelievable Radio Program
This is a guest post by Matthew Risher. Mr. Risher is a PhD student preparing for ministry in Kansas City. Enjoy his insights on an important conversation in modern evangelicalism! Introduction On May 31, 2019 the Unbelievable Radio Program hosted…