Please Help – Take the Survey!
Dear reader, Twice a week, I’ve been sharing my thoughts with you on a wide range of subjects. In fact, I’ve been doing so for nearly two years. It’s been a great journey, but now I need your help. As…
Making Great Resolutions for 2018
2018 is just around the corner. Nowadays, many people dislike new year’s resolutions. This is unfortunate, since resolutions are powerful tools. Without resolutions, you don’t have a goal to work toward. Resolutions challenge and stretch you. I hope that you…
Faithful Stewards in the Amazon Jungle
I recently had an opportunity to contribute to the 11th edition of the Bible Bee Alumni Group e-newsletter. (You can learn more about the National Bible Bee here). Today I’m excited to share my article on stewardship – and thank…
The Power of God’s Word: An Interview with Emeal Zwayne
For several years, my family has been involved in the National Bible Bee, an organization that helps families to memorize the Word of God. Last weekend, at the National Bible Bee finals, I had the opportunity to interview Emeal ‘E.Z.’…
George Washington’s Advice to Young Men
The following is a letter from George Washington to his nephew, George Steptoe Washington. While written to a single individual, it contains advice that would be valuable for many young men. Washington wrote in an eloquent (we would say ‘unnecessarily…
John Owen’s Approach to Contrary Views
In this selection from John Owen (1616-1683), the Puritan theologian describes how he approached theological viewpoints different to his own. While this example uses the question of church governance (‘presbyterian’ versus ‘independent’), Owen’s approach is useful whenever we find ourselves…
Check Out My New Page!
Hello readers! For some time, I’ve been working on designing my speaker’s page. Today, in place of a regular post, I wanted to let you know that I have finally published this page, so feel free to take a look…
The Most Popular Posts of 2016
As 2016 concludes, I want to take a look back. From Daniel’s Desk was launched on January 22 of this year. Since then, I’ve been so grateful for each of you, my readers, who have taken the time to read, consider,…
The Approach to the Celestial City
My favorite part of the book ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ is the last chapter. Christian and Hopeful both crossed a wide river, symbolizing death. John Bunyan’s description of their approach to the Celestial City always sends tingles down my spine, since his…
Thy Hands From Egypt Brought a Goodly Vine
A beautiful paraphrase of Psalm 80:8-19 – 8 Thy hands from Egypt brought a goodly vine, And planted fair in fertile Palestine – 9 Clear’d for its grasping roots th’ unpeopled land, And gave it high to rise,…