The Apostle's Creed in Verse

Recommended tunes: Azmon or Dundee I do believe in God aboveI will confess his might;He formed the earth, the sky, the seaAnd all the realms of light. I do believe in Jesus ChristHe is by us adoredHe is the only…

The Worth of Christ (Thomas Watson)

“…Let us have endearing thoughts of Christ, let him be accounted our chief treasure and delight. This is the reason why millions perish – because they do not prize Christ. Christ is the door by which men are to enter…

How (and Why) to Read a Book a Week

As you begin the new year, here’s a goal to seriously consider: to read an average of a book each week. If this sounds crazy, give it a try – it’s not as hard as it sounds. Let me share…

Guard Your Heart

“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” (Proverbs 4:23) This is clearly an important command: > Your heart is the core of who you are. The ancient Hebrews used the word ‘heart’ to…

10 Tips to Boost Your Bible Reading

1 – Make it a habit. The single most important step you can take to grow spiritually is to commit to daily Bible reading. Don’t commit for a day, a week, or a month – commit for life! If you do so, reading…

Worshipping as a Monotask

Four Monotasks Two months ago I wrote about how to keep your phone from preventing monotasks. Today I want to continue pursuing the idea of ‘monotasking’ from a Christian perspective. I also want to be intensely practical. Wine (author of…

The Great Gamble

Biblical faith is not blind, but it is a gamble. It is reasonable and evidential, but it involves risk. Faith is the risk of taking God at his Word. It’s easy to read the Word, go to church, pray, spend…

The Most Popular Posts of 2023

2023 was another significant year for this blog, with lots of new content, and more visitors and page views than ever before. Here are the most popular posts (as well as some of my own favorites) from the year. You…

The Best Books from 2023

Let us dare to think, read, speak, and write. (John Adams) For the last number of years, I’ve kept up the habit of sharing my favorite books from the year – and 2023 is no exception. I’ve still got a…

Three Steps Forward

The daily rhythm of success can be summarized simply: ‘three steps forward, two steps back.’ It hardly feels like success. To alternate between progress and failure feels mediocre. It feels like daily life. It feels boring. Yet, it’s the mindset…