21 Books from 2021
“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” So said Jim Rohn, and it’s true: reading develops your mind, provides you with new ideas, and prepares you for success.
Seven Worthwhile Christian Biographies
I am convinced that few books are more powerful and life-changing than biographies. Biographies have a unique power to shape our view of the world and our idea of how to live life.
20 Books from 2020
Benjamin Franklin once quipped, ““If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.”
19 Books from 2019
Every year I do it for you, my dear readers: I head deep into the dangerous world of the library to snatch out the choicest books and introduce you to profound, entertaining, and educational reads. For the last several years I’ve summarized my best reads of the year. This year I’m happy to present to you 19 books from 2019.
The Devotional Library: Five Recommendations
While some books impart knowledge, others provide help in our devotion. Read these five books slowly, as they will help you to develop your devotional life.
The Missionary Library: Ten Essential Books
Missions is about God’s glory being proclaimed throughout the world. As I’ve written before, reading a book is like having coffee with an expert. Today, I’d like to share with you ten books that are tremendously influential, on the topic…
17 Books from 2017
I’m excited to reveal my list of the 17 books that I’ve been reading this year! As in previous years, this is not a complete recommendation or endorsement of anything on this list – it is just an opportunity for…
A Different Perspective on Reading
Imagine that you had the opportunity to sit down with a famous person at a coffee shop. For one hour, that person would share with you some valuable tips and lessons that they have learned. Would you take the opportunity?…
Institutes of the Christian Religion: A Review
By Daniel Pentimone 4.5 stars Institutes of the Christian Religion, Hendrickson Publishers, copyright 2008. ISBN 978-1-59856-168-5 The Institutes of the Christian Religion is a theological treatise by John Calvin (1509-1564). Calvin originally planned to be a reclusive scholar, studying and…
15 Christian Biographies
Biographies, as I mentioned earlier this week, act as formative blueprints for life. They provide a structure and example of what Christian life can look like, when we see the lives of others. When I recommended reading biographies, I provided…