Voting: An Exercise in Freedom
“How absurd men are! They never use the liberties they have, they demand those they do not have.” So mused Soren Kierkegard, Danish philosopher of the nineteenth century, and his observation stands true today.

An Open Letter to President Trump
Dear Mr. President: To begin with, I want to congratulate you. Congratulations on your successful campaign and recent inauguration. As the new President of the United States of America, you bear an immense amount of responsibility. I want you to…

2016: The Year In Review
While 2016 certainly wasn’t ‘the worst year ever,’ it was filled with many disasters. At the same time, it was a landmark year, filled with some astonishing and unpredictable events. Here are five trends that defined 2016. Continuing Terrorism and…

Three Questions for Candidates
Is your candidate up for some tough questions? As Super Tuesday looms, I’d like to suggest three questions to ask about your ‘favorite’ candidate. [By the way, check out the end of this post for an opportunity to get more entries…