An Introduction to the Early Creeds
Generations of God’s people valued the early creeds. They form not only a succinct summary of orthodox facts, but also comforting truth that Christians have repeated, memorized, sang, and believed for centuries. Four of these creeds – the Apostles’ Creed,…

The Remarkable Deliverance of Benjamin Church
Several years ago, touring the colonial sites of New England, I was astonished by the story of Benjamin Church. Church, a colonist, fought native American forces during King Philip’s War, around 1675. The story was so remarkable that I recorded…

The First Jewish-Roman War
Rome and Jerusalem are not particularly deep friends. Three times they revealed their hostility to the world – in the First Jewish-Roman War, the Kitos War, and the Bar-Kochba Revolt. Both nations emerged triumphant. Rome triumphed in power, defeating the…

Seven Radical Changes in Our Generation
“I fear that we shall accept as wisdom what is only knowledge, and accept as progress things that are nothing more than change.” Never has this been more true than today. The world of today is radically different than it…

Why Christians Need History
“There is nothing, perhaps, that has so detracted from the glory of God as the history of His people in the church. That is why I am going to deal with this subject of learning from history. Hegel’s famous dictum…

The Kings of Israel and Judah
Following the death of Solomon, the nation of Israel was divided into two kingdoms: the north, or ‘Kingdom of Israel,’ and the south, or ‘Kingdom of Judah.’ Much of the books of First and Second Kings and First and Second…

Christendom and the 500 Year Cycle
With surprising regularity, Christendom faces dramatic changes every 500 years. I say this, not because there is anything intrinsically special about 500-year anniversaries, but because of the historical precedent. I also bring this up because the last dramatic change was…

Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation
Last year, I shared how we like to read George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation as a family each Thanksgiving. While Washington’s proclamation is great to read (you should read it now if you haven’t!), I’d like to introduce you to Abraham Lincoln’s…

Reformation Propaganda
Happy Reformation Day! Today marks the 500 year anniversary of the date that Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. This action touched off a spiral of events that led to the Protestant…