Italy, Part 2
During the 17th and 18th centuries, many young men went on a ‘Grand Tour,’ a journey through the heart of Europe to learn more about the history and culture of continent. Last year I did my own version of this, spending the better part of a month traveling through Italy with a friend. I’ve already documented the first half of my trip; here are some highlights from the remainder.

Italy, Part One
Last year, from June 9-28, I toured the great cities of Italy. It was a unique opportunity to visit the most famous places in world history. Along the way, I developed a deeper understanding of the ancient world, including the time of the New Testament.

Gregory the Great: A Brief Biography
Perhaps the most pivotal churchman of the early Middle Ages was Gregory the Great: a monk, diplomat, Roman, and – according to John Calvin – the last Bishop of Rome worthy of the title.

Worshiping Like Catholics?
After a visit to astounding Catholic cathedrals, I wondered – is the trend in modern Evangelicalism making us worship like Catholics?