Gospel Discipleship
And Jesus said to them, “Follow me… (Mark 1:17a) When Jesus called his first followers, they didn’t know much about him. At least in Mark’s presentation, Jesus just entered his ministry, and he isn’t yet a well-known figure. So far,…

What John Thought of Jesus
There is a lot of controversy about John the Baptist in academic circles. I’ve been reading some of the articles recently, and you might be surprised by what some scholars say. Some believe that John the Baptist was a member…

Mark: An Introduction to His Gospel
The shortest of the four Gospels, Mark, is also perhaps the earliest. It contains a fast-paced narrative of Jesus powerful works, presenting an intensely human Messiah who wields remarkably divine power. Surprisingly, Mark is also one of the most neglected…

Blessed for a Purpose
Today I am pleased to feature a guest post by Dakota Lynch, a friend who loves to memorize Scripture and who blogs over at thefaithperspective.com. Enjoy this article, then be sure to check his site for more great writing! “Now…

The Luke Challenge
Every year ends the same: I scramble to finish my yearly projects. This year is no different, and several weeks ago I realized that I needed to do extra Scripture reading. At my current rate, I wasn’t going to complete…

The Key to Genuine Thankfulness
Now that the Thanksgiving holiday is behind us, let me ask you a tough question. Were you thankful on Thanksgiving Day? More importantly, Are you still thankful today? We could divide the people of the world into three groups, based…

Departing the Camp
Modern Jerusalem looks nothing like the City of David in the time of Jesus. Today it is a bustling metropolis, complete with high-rise apartment buildings, sprawling suburbs, and densely-packed roadways. Yet Zion was once contained within walls. Outside the walls,…

Timeline: New Testament History
Without timelines, I find that it is nearly impossible to understand history. Timelines provide a reference point – a sort of framework or scaffolding – that allows visual learners like me to place events in their context. Timelines are also…

The Question
He seemed unstoppable. Every question was answered perfectly. Try as they might, the ultra-strict, highly educated Jewish Pharisees were unable to trap Jesus. No theological question seemed too difficult for Him. Every answer demonstrated wisdom, revealing their own ignorance to…