Prayer in Times of National Apostasy: The Theology of Prayer in the Books of the Kings (Part One)
The purpose of this study is to observe those prayers, and then to imitate the ancients so that our prayers, also, will break through the mundane into the realm of the supernatural.
Timothy Talks: A Prophet Killing Little Boys?
The Old Testament story of Elisha includes a bizarre episode in which 42 boys are mauled by bears. What is this all about, and why is it included in the Bible?
The Kings of Israel and Judah
Following the death of Solomon, the nation of Israel was divided into two kingdoms: the north, or ‘Kingdom of Israel,’ and the south, or ‘Kingdom of Judah.’ Much of the books of First and Second Kings and First and Second…
A Summary of Elijah’s Life
The Great Famine Wearing a garment of hair and a leather belt, from the town of Tishbe in Gilead, a dramatic figure confronted Ahab the king of Israel. “As the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, before whom I stand,”…