Timothy Talks: The Strange Case of the King’s Arrows
Why does God’s prophet tell a king to do odd things with arrows, then seem to punish him when he doesn’t do it the ‘right’ way? Why is this story even included in the Biblical book of 2 Kings?
Timothy Talks: A Prophet Killing Little Boys?
The Old Testament story of Elisha includes a bizarre episode in which 42 boys are mauled by bears. What is this all about, and why is it included in the Bible?
Timothy Talks: Was Samson a Good Guy?
Samson figures large in the Old Testament book of Judges. But with his violent and edgy character, was Samson really a good guy? Join Timothy Talks to discover what the Bible really says about this controversial figure.
Timothy Talks: Does God Command Genocide?
The God of the Old Testament commands His people to do some bloody things. Was it right for God to tell the Israelites to kill the peoples of Canaan? Does God command genocide?
Timothy Talks: Who Are the Nephilim?
The shadowy Nephilim emerge in the very beginning of the book of Genesis. Who were these people? Why are they so famous? And why does it even matter?
Eleven Life Lessons from Solomon
The fabled king of the east is in the Bible for a reason. His life – charmed as it was by wealth, power, wisdom, and love – teaches us many things. As I recently read through his story again, I noticed eleven practical life lessons.
In Distant Ages
In distant ages, when the Hebrews strayed / Amid the desert sands, without a shade, …
Unhitched? A Review of Andy Stanley and Jeff Durbin’s Discussion on Unbelievable Radio Program
This is a guest post by Matthew Risher. Mr. Risher is a PhD student preparing for ministry in Kansas City. Enjoy his insights on an important conversation in modern evangelicalism! Introduction On May 31, 2019 the Unbelievable Radio Program hosted…
Timothy Talks: Cliff Notes on Old Testament Missions
From the earliest pages of the Bible, God is on a mission to make His name known. Where do we find this theme in the Old Testament? Why did God choose one nation if He was on a mission for all nations?
Why Is the Bible so Hard to Understand?
Why is the Bible so hard to understand? If you’ve wondered this, you’re not alone. Here are some of the most difficult aspects of reading the Bible, as well as solutions to the problem. Bible Reading Challenges Without doubt, there…