Thy Hands From Egypt Brought a Goodly Vine
A beautiful paraphrase of Psalm 80:8-19 – 8 Thy hands from Egypt brought a goodly vine, And planted fair in fertile Palestine – 9 Clear’d for its grasping roots th’ unpeopled land, And gave it high to rise,…

Striking Syria
The story of Joash, Elisha, and the arrow of the LORD’s deliverance is confusing. Why would God withhold blessing from someone who obeys? This obscure story may not make sense at first, but it reveals the character of true obedience…

God’s Humility
The world is full of busy people – people who are pursuing success, and who do not have time to think about you or me. Pouring all their energy into career, goals, or pleasure, they hardly notice anyone or anything…

Stoning Your Sin in the Valley of Achor
The death of Achan is one of the more gory tales of the Bible. The harsh punishment meted out, not only on the man, but also on his whole family, may seem at least primitive, if not excessive. But as…

Hymn of the Divine Attributes (Psalm 99)
1 Jehovah reigns, enthroned in heaven’s host, Let trembling seize the highlands and the coast. 2 In Zion’s streets his greatness is extolled, His ancient fame surpassing men of old. 3 That name, sublime in terror to address…

Six Reasons to Interpret Canticles Allegorically
The Canticles, or Song of Solomon, is often overlooked. Sometimes it is difficult to draw spiritual lessons from a book that focuses so much on apparently human love. Here are six reasons to view the book less as a description…

A Summary of Moses’ Life
Early Life in Egypt Born into a humble Levitical slave family in Egypt, Moses’ life was immediately threatened when Pharaoh ordered all Hebrew male infants drowned in the Nile. Though his mother Jochebed hid him for three months, she was…