The Roman Empire: A Summary of Its History
The Roman Empire had a profound effect on both Biblical history and world history. This short sketch provides the main contours.

Gregory the Great: A Brief Biography
Perhaps the most pivotal churchman of the early Middle Ages was Gregory the Great: a monk, diplomat, Roman, and – according to John Calvin – the last Bishop of Rome worthy of the title.

Worshiping Like Catholics?
After a visit to astounding Catholic cathedrals, I wondered – is the trend in modern Evangelicalism making us worship like Catholics?

Timothy Talks: Tragedy and Triumph (Part One)
The early church was faithful to Jesus, but the church was not without tragedy and triumph. Today we talk about the tragedies of the early church – the subtle shifts that would shape the course of Christianity for generations.

Timothy Talks: To the Ends of the Earth
Today we discuss missions in the early church. Why did the church grow so rapidly? Where did the Gospel spread, and how did it get there?

The First Jewish-Roman War
Rome and Jerusalem are not particularly deep friends. Three times they revealed their hostility to the world – in the First Jewish-Roman War, the Kitos War, and the Bar-Kochba Revolt. Both nations emerged triumphant. Rome triumphed in power, defeating the…

The Question
He seemed unstoppable. Every question was answered perfectly. Try as they might, the ultra-strict, highly educated Jewish Pharisees were unable to trap Jesus. No theological question seemed too difficult for Him. Every answer demonstrated wisdom, revealing their own ignorance to…