Four Steps to Appreciating the Psalms
The Psalms have not always been my favorite book of the Bible. There was once a time when, like many others, I could recite Psalm 23 (‘The Lord is my shepherd…’), and I knew that Psalm 119 was the longest…

John’s Message and the Professor
Using God’s Light to Reveal our Spiritual Condition In 2 Corinthians 13:5 Paul wrote, “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves.” Paul was concerned that Christians should not be apathetic about their spiritual condition; they…

Guthrie on “Drawing Near Unto God”
“Study to be convinced, that ye are by nature far from God, and in your walk and conversation, from that communion with Him that ye might attain unto, even while here. And if once ye were at that, you would…

The Psalms in History
“It is to be feared that the Psalms are by no means so prized as in earlier ages of the Church. Time was when the Psalms were not only rehearsed in all the churches from day to day, but they…